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ISO 9001 : 2000 CERTIFIED

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Child marriage, that is, marrying children in childhood. Kurti like child marriage is not only in India but it has been found throughout the world, but India has the largest place in child marriage. Child marriage is to marry two immature children, which are completely unknown to each other. Child marriage is not a new era, but it has been running from the monarchy of Delhi Sultanate in India. People used to give their daughters the honor of foreign rulers in lesser age than they feared. Girls' wedding was considered a feast and child marriage was also due to the desire to see the grandchildren of the elderly.

Child marriage is still present in our society. 40 percent of girls get married in less than 18 years. Instead of cities, child marriage is more common in villages. Many child marriages are also such that if the elder sister is getting married, then together with the younger also, the cost of marriage will remain. Due to the weddings made in the raw age, the children do not understand anything and neither can handle anything. Then these weddings either reach to divorce or die. Child mortality is increasing due to child marriage. Their physical and mental development is not possible. HIV. Like the risk of diseases also increases.

Even in today's society, Kurti like child marriage has spread its legs because people are not aware, her thinking is still conservative and she still considers the marriage of girls as Burden.

The government has also banned the marriage of children and if a child gets caught getting married, then strict punishment will be awarded. To eliminate Kurti like child marriage, we have to educate people, make awareness through media and street plays.